Park says city's new tax plan is 'positive step'

Tuesday, 29 March 2005

Cedar Point considers it to be a "positive step" that the city of Sandusky is looking at more broad-based taxes, the Sandusky Register reported, even though the park still believes it pays more than its fair share, according to Cedar Point spokesman Bryan Edwards.

City commissioners voted 5-2 on Monday to draft legislation expanding the city's 3-percent admission tax to include campgrounds and ferries. The legislation would also gradually increase the marina dock tax to $25.

City Manager Mike Will had previously recommended expanding the base of the admission tax to include parking and increasing the admission tax rate from 3 percent to 3.75 percent.  That plan drew criticism from area businesses, including Cedar Point, whose officials have threatened legal action over a parking tax in Sandusky.  When asked if Cedar Point would act on its threat to sue if the admission tax was increased and expanded, Edwards said on Monday that the park is still "reviewing all options."