CP Survivor II, Round 4

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
lusty lils

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

Happy Friar
Pete's avatar
Last Chance Saloon is my vote, but let me comment on Dominics. When it first opened, the Pizza used to be great! They had fresh crust that was excellent, some of the best I ever tasted. Then, a few years ago, they got cheap and started using the crust they use now. I was GREATLY disappointed when I ordered a pizza there a few years ago, thinking it would be good, only to get that nasty cardboard pre-made crust. Anyone else remember the original Dominics pizza?
It's very hard to drink all day...
Unless you start first thing in the morning.
*** This post was edited by Pete on 1/9/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by Pete on 1/9/2002. ***

Last Chance Saloon

Pete, I remember the old Dominic's pizza, my next vote will be for Dominic's.

Foods Sup. 89-94

Gemini,  I didn't realize that!  I always get my cheese on a stick up by DT.  Oops.  Oh well, still voting for him, though. :)

Mr. Skyward is my hero.
"Why don't you change your name to Mike?" "No way, why should I change my name, he's the one who sucks."

silver dollar
Magnum 2001
Happy Friar.  I have never gotten anything to eat there and I never plan on it.  It just never appealed to me.  Now, if you really want something to clog your arteries, go to the cheese on a stick stand over by the space needle.  It's hidden back their with the space needle and disaster transport.  It is so good, but having more than two would probably kill you.  Ah yes, deep fried cheese.  Cedar Point is really out to kill me.  :)
Happy Friar
Happy Friar --- bring back Mama Berardi
Ice Cream Parlor
I'm gonna have to say Happy Friars
I'd say Happy Friars
I'm not really *anti* any of the food places, but I *do* think the Bay Harbor Inn is the best of the bunch, so in order to save it, I vote off LAST CHANCE SALOON
Patience is a virtue
I vote Red Garter Saloon off.


Nice shows, but the restaurant itself is of poor quality in my opinion.

Bay Harbor

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