First visit to Cedar.Suggestions?

First of guys are majorly obsessed with these coasters! :) (Not that that's a bad thing) And of course I'm here reading too...

I visited Cedar Point as a teen back in 1989 and actually met my wife there...we're returning next month with my 3 children for my first visit as an adult. We've got reservations at Hotel Breakers for the package deal, but before doing so I made a big honking spreadsheet comparing all the packages at the different resorts. What I found on Breakers Express is that if you take advantage of all the discounts, and passes they actually pay you $2.80 to stay there.

Anyway a question I've had is there an in-park Visitor's guide that has all the info/regulations shown on the website? If there is would someone be willing to send me one?

2nd Lifetime CP Visit on June 7-9, 2006

Sure, you can get them almost anywhere in the park or at the resorts. They are not hard to find.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

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