It's just amazing.

Eh..don't expect CP's attendence to jump a half a million...because as everyone seems to think....98% of Geauga Lakes attendence goes to Cedar Point.

Kennywooddude said:
How can you compare a park that was devestated by a hurricane to a park that had no vital improvements since X-Flight? Six Flags would have to spend MILLIONS of dollars just to get SFNO up to par. 90% of the parks attractions suffer major water damage. Give SF some credit. AT least they have the balls to tell the public ahead of time that their home town park will not reopen next season(SFAW). I mean...come on...anyone who believes that CF came up with the decision to close the park last Thursday is crazy.

Okay, Geauga Lake was not in good shape at all; it looked like a ghost-town. It was a smart move for he company. I want you to learn something: Business = Money, not coaster enthusiast opinions. They really don't care what the minority thinks about something that drains their other parks profits.

X-Flight was one of the worst things for the park.. Watch what Cedar Fair is doing to Michigan's Adventure. They are building the park exactly the way they should be, not throwing in a bunch of crap that the park does not need.

By the way, I compare SFNO to GL because they still say the park is closed for the season, not for good, which we all know is going to happen. They are not very honest to the general public. Once again, welcome to the business world.

Pete's avatar

raising4daughters said:

GL attendees want low-key, family entertainment, and Kennywood, Waldameer, Knoebels, and Hershey provide that in spades. They're the winners, not CF or CP.

GL was not low-key family entertainment ever since it was "flagged". It is not anything like Waldameer or Knoebels, both of which remind me more of the way Euclid Beach was than a modern amusement park.

Geauga Lake was very "corporate", with the big rides and high prices that go along with that. Not necessarily a bad thing, but not your little traditional amusement park either. When it was Six Flags it tried to be Cedar Point, and when it was owned by Cedar Fair it seemed like Cedar Point Jr.

I'll agree with you that Knoebels and Waldameer provide low-key old fashioned amusement park entertainment, but to me Kennywood and Hershey are not like that, even though Kennywood seems to market a little to the nostalgia crowd.

*** Edited 9/28/2007 2:39:44 PM UTC by Pete***

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

How does soak city need to be with current standards?

GL was not low-key family entertainment ever since it was "flagged". It is not anything like Waldameer or Knoebels, both of which remind me more of the way Euclid Beach was than a modern amusement park. Geauga Lake was very "corporate", with the big rides and high prices that go along with that. Not necessarily a bad thing, but not your little traditional amusement park either. When it was Six Flags it tried to be Cedar Point, and when it was owned by Cedar Fair it seemed like Cedar Point Jr.

I agree with you 100% there, just wasn't clear in my post. The flagging of GL turned it from a low (lower) key family park into a thrill park and, for a while, they had some success, at least by the 2MM+ attendance numbers. But, SF could never sustain that with CP in the backyard, a pile of debt, a questionable local workforce, and a local economy losing jobs.

You're exactly right. GL went from being an enjoyable niche alternative to CP to a "lite" version of CP, and that wasn't going to work long term.

Kennywooddude said:
Eh..don't expect CP's attendence to jump a half a million...because as everyone seems to think....98% of Geauga Lakes attendence goes to Cedar Point.

So are you one of my good friends from Geauga Lake Today?:)
*** Edited 9/28/2007 7:10:21 PM UTC by CPboy77***

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