Millennium Force Rider Comments

I just saw that my comment was listed under rider comments. I think it is pretty cool. Also, my friends got put on there too. If you want to check them out our names are Dan M. (me) and Todd C... Did anybody else have their comments posted?
I submitted mine earlier, under Marc M. it's not up there yet though. I comment about the Ticket to Ride system, but it's not quite as extreme as the first two comments on there.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
MF:15 *** This post was edited by Hurricane_6 on 6/27/2000. ***
My comment is also on it. My name is John M. I can't believe mine got posted.

MF Rides-1
Raptor rides-Around 15-20
I was quite surprised to find that they posted the negative comments about the Ticket to Ride system.

One thing to remember: go ahead and let them know if you are against the ticket system, but please make sure you're not rude and try to proof read your post before you submit it... the three negative posts on there right now will do nothing to persuade the park to get rid of the system.
Yup, I'm there! (Ryan D.) I think they post everything as long as it's respectful and clean.

aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
People, if your going to send comments to CP about the Fast Pass system, please please please please make sensible arguments as to why you dont like this system!!!!

Stupid, idiotic comments about how you WILL get rid of it, sicking the LAPD on them, or I will execute you with my wrath even if they are meant sarcastically, only serve to undermine our grass roots effort to get this system removed. CP, if they really are hell-bent on putting this thing in place, can use these non-intelligent comments to say "look at what kind of people are opposed to this system". It ruins any credibility that we might have.

So think before you submit your post!

Ain't it neat to have your butt out of the seat.
I submitted mine a long time ago, but maybe it didn't show up because my computer doesn't have cookies.
Mine is up under John D. from Canfield Oh.

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
Jeff's avatar
Interesting how the negative comments have disappeared... hmmmm...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
Conspiracy...(X-Files theme song) Du Du Du Du Du Du....LOL!;)
Yeah, I noticed that too, and what i submitted was all positive about the MF, except I said TTR should be improved, it however, didn't show up either.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
I made it (6/21/00)!! They do edit.
notice there are no POSITIVE comments on TTR either???

ride early, ride often!!!
There are no TTR comments whatsoever, and there shouldn't be. That section is for your comments on the ride. From the time you sit in the seat until you leave the station. It is not for comments about the line and TTR or assigned seating or anything like that.

It says "This special comment section is for your ride experience only." , so that is why there are no positive or negative comments about TTR.

Now, I still haven't figured out why those TTR bashing comments were on there...
Is it THE Millennium Force ??? or simply Millennium Force? I believe it's the latter. I've seen comments in which people refer to it one way or the other.
It is Millennium Force. It just sounds wrong when people say THE Millennium Force...
The ride is awesome...the ticket to ride SUCKS!

Support feeling the Force ticket free!!

I don't mean to be rude, but for some reason it bugs me when people say "The ______" (I.E. The Millennium Force, The Power Tower, The Disaster Transport...etc.) However, I don't mind "The Magnum" "The Raptor"... :)

Jeff Walker
The ARC Homepage
ARC Web Designs
I just dont like when people say "the Millennium Force", or just "The Millennium". That irriates me to no end. As scary as it is, I find myself putting "the" in front of every ride title only if it sounds appropriate.
Jeff Walker hit the nail on the head.

It sounds much better to put THE in front of coaster withonly a one-word-name like The Mantis, The Raptor, The Magnum, The Widcat.

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