Travel Channel

Jason Hammond's avatar

Yes, unique. I'll be very curious as to how well it all gets edited together.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

djDaemon's avatar

Unique? Oh, c'mon. I realize that the "new" shows focus on different things, but rarely do they actually cover stuff that's both new and unknown to PB'ers. But again, that's not to say I won't watch. I loves me some new coaster prons. :)


Jason Hammond's avatar

It's not unique for the content as much as how it's presented.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Yes I can't wait to see what they did! I was there all 4 days and enjoyed every moment :) Its going to be a good show!

First rollback on Dragster July 23 2003 since then 15

LuvRaptor's avatar

I doubt that anyone here knows what is in store based on the host of the show Bert--the guy is a HOOT and trust me, it may be one of the few times you'll crack up watching a show about CP coasters.

It will be far better than the typical "here is TTD, Maggie, WT and MF" shows of past.

Bert is coming to the Funnybone here in Columbus in Feb-I told him I'd go for sure. I can't wait-from some of his stand up videos he is just as funny on stage too!!! :)

Lifetime Raptor flights: 2156 :)

It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that?

LuvRaptor's avatar

Jason Hammond said:
Yes, unique. I'll be very curious as to how well it all gets edited together.

Maybe they'll edit a pair of pants on you Jason! ;)

Lifetime Raptor flights: 2156 :)

It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that?

Jason Hammond's avatar

That's crazy talk. ;)

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Kyurthich's avatar

I still have no idea how you wore shorts all weekend. While I was in about 3-4 layers of clothes!

dsloban's avatar

I saw a crew there by the Dragster on Sunday! I give credit to dress like summer when I was dressed in several layers! It will be neat to see in the spring!!!!!

Life is like a rollercoaster! It is full of ups and downs

Some of us don't need pants! :)

Jason Hammond's avatar

You tell 'em Jerry. :)

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I haven't worn pants since the snow melted last winter, and wont wear pants till it snows this winter (or fall whatever comes first). I'm just a warm person.

Let's Get Weird.

Of course, shorts on PT Sunday morning allowed cold air up them on the way down. Jewels were kinda cold!

Usually, the only time I wear pants is when I'm out cleaning snow. Other than that I wear shorts year round. Hell, I even wore shorts during the Maverick tour in Feb '07. Had a winter coat and hat on and I was fine. For some weird reason, If I were to wear a pair of pants during the winter, my legs would feel colder with the material against them.

Last edited by Magnum "Candy" Man,
Jason Hammond's avatar

In all honesty, I only wore shorts because they said it was supposed to look like summer. Plus, I knew it wouldn't bother me too much. Once I got into a couple shots, I realized I needed to be consistent the rest of the weekend. I didn't see anyone next to me passing out. So, I guess wearing the same thing all weekend didn't cause to many foul odors.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Haha I knew you didn't wash them ;)

First rollback on Dragster July 23 2003 since then 15

Jason you can keep your shorts as a good luck charm now seeing you got a rollback on Dragster. You should where them everytime you ride it. You might get rollbacks all the time then.

Last edited by Adam Sand,

Still wished I didn't empty my spam bin without looking in it to see if I was accepted or not...

I could have been one of the ones Chosen and not shown so sorry to others who weren't chosen...

thats pry why half didnt show too because of the email going to the spam folder...

I was there for this day, I was around when they were filming near MF and Maverick. Look for me on travel channel!

Jason Hammond's avatar

That'll be hard considering we don't know who you are or what you look like.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Thats what I was thinking.

Let's Get Weird.

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