Update - More 5/23 and 5/24

Moving on from the camera discussion, did they (Screamscape) or did they not predict that a 40 seat S and S swing for this year. Did they or did they not predict a giant frisbee for '05? And as early as August of 2002, did they or did they not start relating the alien term "rocket coaster" to Cedar Point? Well, they did.

Now, Jeff will probably say "Every blind squirrel finds his nuts one time or another" or whatever he has said in the past...but you can't deny that they have correctly predicted CPs last 3 attractions.

Also keep in mind that I don't ever check any other parks "rumors" other than CPs, so they could be way off on every other parks...but ever since I have started looking there, they've been right on. So for now, I'm a believer.

Last public train of 2005 on MF!


If you predict everything, of course one of them is going to be correct. =P


and it's other people that actually send in rumors to Screamscape, so you'd really have about the same odds of hearing it here at some point. *** Edited 5/28/2006 5:30:54 AM UTC by Grovite18***

bholcomb's avatar

It's not like the last 2 were very hard to predict.

I am going to laugh my a** off if the new coaster is not going to be called Maverick and the track is not for 2007. I cant wait for all you to be shocked to what's in stored for 2007.

Zweitausend und sieben Zeder-Messe-Jahreszeit Passiert Halter

2007: Cedar Fair Season Pass Holder?

Wenn Sie ich Ihr ein Dummkopf leuchten, der gemerkt geschlossen wird und Zunftsprache die Freiheit anderer Leute von speach ertragen!

I think some of you guys need to relax. So what if it has multiple heartline rolls? As someone else pointed out - its been proven to be extremely fun. Plus, with the area of land being used I highly doubt itll be like any other ride but I dont think itll be something earth shattering.

Plus, as far as screamscape, remember what they predicted. If CP wants to keep something completely under wraps they will. I remember for dragster when we (the community) pretty much figured out it would be a launched top hat ride but had no clue what the dimensions would be. 400ft we assumed and a speed over 100mph but that was it. They had that pretty tightly covered.

Same will happen with this I believe. Its such a large project I really dont think we will know or even have "good" rumors till the real information comes out. Its fun to speculate but unless you talk to one of the upper managment or somehow beat it out of the 2 Blog guys, you wont be getting real information.

I do hope its a decently sized multilooper. However, I would love some great airtime in it along with some sweet transitions and a helix or two. But whatever.

Why do people enjoy killing speculation? This isn't directed towards you, CoasterReal, but others. I can't count how many "just wait until the announcement" posts there have been. Just let everyone have fun. And some people do make stupid speculations, and it's ok to set them straight, but please, let the people have their fun.


Arguing with a coaster enthusiast is like wrestling with a pig in mud. After a while, you realize the pig enjoys it.

But there's a difference between decent speculation and crazy, elitist running-of-the-mouths, and we've been seeing an awful lot of the latter lately.

I am personally waiting for the announcement so I dont set myself up with bigger expectations than CP will deliver. I have never been let down by them before and I dont want to say it'll be something huge when it won't. I might guess that it'll have a few inversions or something like that, but I am not going to touch height or speed markers because it'll only really lead to me getting bummed out and having no one to blame but myself.

Everyone is allowed to have fun here, but they should also consider the sanity of others. ;) It seems like some people lately have been trying, almost, to post things that are so over the top that it's really, really ridiculous if you actually think about it.

For example: OMG I just said "over the top"! Is that a CLUE?!?!!111

I agree with Mr. Scott.

If you include the word "water" in your prediction, you'll be able to later claim that you were at least partially correct.

With ya there Grovite 18. It does get somewhat annoying, but it is fun to sit here and laugh at some of the crazy ideas that get posted. :)

R.I.P. Mr. Scott

This is true. :)

I just get terrified when some people can't tell the difference and you get the most ludacris ideas begin to really gain momentum.

I agree, and like I said in my first post, it's ok to set them straight, but some people wave off every possibility, even the ones that have hard evidence. We have been having some very ridiculous ideas here, but if it has hard evidence, roll with it. Some people just won't accept other people's well-backed ideas.


Arguing with a coaster enthusiast is like wrestling with a pig in mud. After a while, you realize the pig enjoys it.

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