White Water Landing: Gone!

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

Something I haven't seen addressed yet (and it's probably a better question for the blog than for on here) but is the ride getting scrapped, or will they be selling it or moving it to another CF park? It's a very nice ride, so I hope to see it find a home somewhere rather than just being tossed in the garbage.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Really? WWL is a big installation. It's a great ride. It makes up much of the feel and theme of Frontiertown. They can't build somewhere else? If they want to draw traffic to the back of the park they could have GravityGroup reprofile MeanStreak and add their trains maybe some tunnels along with creatively adding several other attractions and flat ridees to keep guests busy and guest traffic back there. It's one of the most scenic places in the park. Maybe there are issues we don't know about. Doesn't really sound smart. But I guess thats what there going to do. If they're planning a major instal just for guest traffic it seems kinda thoughtless to plow and build but we really don't have all the info to say much... other than bid a fond farewell. We will have to see what they put in it's place.
I don't get it though. *** Edited 10/14/2005 6:28:26 AM UTC by steven john*** *** Edited 10/14/2005 6:29:48 AM UTC by steven john***

I've always liked WWL, but most always never ride. I'm SO happy I decided to ride it this past June.

-Think it's a high insurance ride? ..Don't know how that works ... but a bonehead, could-at-will, stand or more at any time throughout the ride. JAT

Doesn't MS already use the same (PTC 2-plus-2) trains? Poor MS...

bholcomb's avatar

Chris: Remember when they said no coasters are for sale? I assume that didn't cover WWL, and it wouldn't surprise me to see it on the move to the South.

djDaemon's avatar

I agree that theming a new ride is the only way to go back in FT. For those who say CP isn't any good at it, I would reply that they weren't any good at it. The hardest, yet most effective, way to learn something is through trial and error.

I really hope that any water coaster or other water ride back there holds similar qualities (wet, but not too wet) to WWL.

Now, we just need to keep a keen eye out for footers this winter. :)

*** Edited 10/14/2005 10:18:40 AM UTC by djDaemon***


hi everyone, this is my first post. Anyway about the WWL issue. Everyone in my family loved this ride. It was the only one that my grandmother, mother, and father (whom are not coaster fanatics) would actually pay addmission to ride.

Nevertheless, I've read about the idea of a water coaster. I found one here


This is a rollercoaster with a splash down at the end. In my opinion, an awesome combo!

When I have mentioned water coaster before I was thinking more in terms of the interactive coasters that have guns that riders can "shoot" at non-riders. The "Atlantis" type water coasters are not a bad idea either though but I don't think you get the interaction that I was envisioning over on that side of the park.

I can see fountains/bubblers on the midways (which kids love for some reason), water guns that someone standing on a midway could shoot at an overhead coaster rider, etc. I'm not talking about an in-park waterpark but water-oriented attractions. Even a "wet/dry slide" that has proven popular at other parks. You could have an adult version and a kids version.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Kevinj's avatar

I want something that has nothing to do with water.

djDaemon's avatar

I want a lava coaster... with a high mortality rate. ;)


Actually, the more I look at Powder Keg, the more I like it. Something similar (long track length, decent hill height, variety of hill & turn types, decent and light theming) would be just about perfect for the WWL graveyard.

As for not getting riders too wet, thats something they could engineer into the ride - not all water coasters have to soak their riders.

*** Edited 10/14/2005 1:43:55 PM UTC by djDaemon***


I will miss WWL but I am hopefull for the future. I think something like Kurse of Darkastle only frontier themed would be awsome at Cedar Point. Its doubtfull that would happen but it was a great addition to BGW and a really fun family ride (you even get a little wet). If thats not the case, something like powder keg or a spinning themed wild mouse would also make a great addition.

I could see the screamin swing being placed where DD is but I think it would also make a good draw to the back of the park. I think any new coaster wont appear until 2007 and I think it will be something spectacular, but not neccasarily a 500 footer.

"lost in the corners of both blue eyes"

Heh, you guys want interactivity in a water coaster? Get a RollerSoaker. Riders can soak the people below, and peoplw below can soak the riders. :)
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crazy horse's avatar

Yea, but the pph would ruin it.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Must it only be one? How about a dueling where riders on different trains can duke it out?

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Walt's avatar

How popular would a water coaster be? Snake River Falls, White Water Landing and Thunder Canyon all average between 600,000 and 700,000 riders a year. A popular coaster is obviously much higher. I know that there's more to the equation than just ridership (otherwise there wouldn't be any water rides), but ... I don't know, just seems like too much of a niche ride? Maybe that's not the way to say it. My first impression is that they can do better than that. But I can always change my mind. :)

Now, a water coaster in Soak City is an idea that I like.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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djDaemon's avatar

I wouldn't mind seeing a newer flume ride installed in WWL's place. Does anyone know of any pics/info/designers of newer (post-2000) flumes? I'm curious to see what they're doing with them nowadays.


Lol, I must of forgot to include the link to the pics of the RollerSoaker at Hersey Park from RCBD.
Sorry about that.

Well, there are more coaster elements in flumes these days. Take the laughing place dip on WDW's Splash that goes down then back up again in the dark. Pretty cool even now that I've ridden it countless times.

There is also backward fluming being done more. The final "splashdown" on Dudley Doo-Right's Ripsaw Falls is pretty spectacular to ride and watch.

I just think they have flirted with a "water area" in the park for some time now. I'm just advocating they dive in head first and turn that whole area into someplace you can't find in any amusement park...anywhere. In addition, you appeal to a large cross section of ages.

A unique part of Kennywood's raft ride is that non-riders could squirt riders from an observation platform. Good times.

Maybe junior would be too short for the RollerSoaker but wouldn't it be fun if he could spray his big brother with a jet of water as he zoomed by above? Let's think outside the box a bit.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Walt's avatar

While I'm all for water rides, I say keep the real water area at Soak City. I wouldn't want to see a "wet zone" in Frontiertown. To me, it just doesn't fit in. I wouldn't be opposed to a nice, modern flume ride, though, especially if had a great theme or cool elements.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Doesn't fit in? It could. I'm not an advocate of themeing...at least not Cedar Fair themeing...but why couldn't it have an old west, shoot em up at the OK corral kind of look and feel?

If Disney can turn a waterpark into a ski resort why can't water attractions be given a "frontier" theme?

There already is a wet zone in Frontiertown...it just wasn't fully developed if you ask me.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Walt's avatar

What I meant was that I don't think it fits in at Cedar Point. It has nothing to do with the theme of Frontiertown. I don't mind a good water ride (or two or three or more), but I wouldn't want see an entire section devoted to just water. It's limited in appeal, especially with the cool first and last months. To me, that's why Soak City exists.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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