2009 Park Map Posted

Now available at cedarpoint.com: park map

No more ride names covering up huge portions of the map. I kinda liked the colors and crispness of last year's, but it seems a lot less cluttered.

coolkid2345's avatar

Its Pretty Nice. I also like how the names are not covering up the whole map. I think Mean Streak could be moved over a bit :)

What happened to all of the trees?;)

What happened to all of the trees?;)

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Thats what i was wondering...and why is millennium forces "direction" different than the 08 map?

Yeah, there are a few rides that are turned strange directions or bent/curved without needing to be. Makes the whole map look kinda funny.

Millennium's hill looks different, I think it was intended to make frontier trail more visible on the map. Anyone else notice that Wicked Twister is now facing the right direction on the back spiral, and also, Dragster's spoiler is now off the train.

Last edited by Corkscrew Headache,
4 summers of employment in ride operations does stuff to you.
Rapids 77-78's avatar

Did the Lemon Chill guy make the map this year?

The spoiler is off but the track still spins the wrong way...

Right you are

4 summers of employment in ride operations does stuff to you.

Obviously, the purpose of much of the redrawing was to make rides, attractions, and pathways easier for the casual reader to identify. For the most part, I think they did a good job of it.

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