Cedar Point - Slides from the 70's

Jason Hammond's avatar

I won an auction that included the following slides from Cedar Point in the 1970's. I'm fairly certain the last one is not CP, but it was with the bunch, so I included it to see if anyone recognized it.


*** Edited 10/19/2007 4:56:30 AM UTC by Jason Hammond***

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

VERY cool Jason. I love to see older pictures of the park like this. Its possible that the last is Kiddy Kingdom, but im not certain either. If it was with the rest, I would assume so.

R.I.P. MrScott... You're greatly missed!!

Scott's avatar

Cool pictures! If that last one was CP they needed a sweep a.s.a.p. =)

Jason Hammond's avatar

Well there were over 700 slides. And this is all there was of CP. The first 20 are sequenced together and are in order. The next 3 are sequenced together and are in order. The last stood alone. So if it was CP, the picture was likely taken on a different day. A couple of the slides didn't scan very well. The darker ones are shots from Paddlewheel.

*** Edited 10/19/2007 11:26:48 AM UTC by Jason Hammond***

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

Haha, its funny to see the 70's fashions at CP.

Jeff's avatar

God bless the 70's. :)

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I think the last one was probably just from a carnival. I can't imagine any park with that bad of a custodial crew!

As far as the other ones, so little has changed... except fashion trends.

2005/2006: Cedar Point - Millennium Force
2007/2008/2009: Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom - Tomorrowland Speedway
2008: Hard Rock Park - Maximum RPM! Opening Supervisor
2008/2009: Universal Orlando - Men in Black: Alien Attack Team Leader, Guest Services Coordinator

Yea I would say that last one is not CP. Very dirty and CP does not have trash laying around like that.

Spit's avatar

Here is the best image that I have of Kiddieland from the '70s. There is no doubt that that last picture is not CP.


Games - 1989 - Beanbag Toss/Break-a-plate

the 70's were a catapult for CP. As Boblo and other nearby parks struggled, CP survived by setting the standard (corkscrew/gemini). My fondest memories are being one of the first corkscrew riders.....and then she talked me to ride on to the gemini.......(girlfriends in the 70's were very persuasive).

Jungle Larry deserves a rememberance here too.. he lived under the corkscrew....

Boblo was great fun as a kid

The old $3 admission to Boblo is long gone. Building lots are available and quite pricy. Some of the old amusment park infrastructure is still there......old Boblo fans would find it cool to see what Boblo is today.
*** Edited 10/20/2007 2:43:25 AM UTC by acrossthelake***

Yep, Boblo was a fun park. I remember riding my first rollercoaster with inversions there when I was a kid visiting family in Detroit. I'm in Germany now, but I've got great pics from CP in the early 80's I need to dig up when I get home.

I'm sure this link's been posted before, but there's a ton of good old stuff at this link:

*** Edited 11/24/2007 6:12:45 AM UTC by SoEffenBored***

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