Countdown on CP page

Cedar Point has the countdown going on the trip planning page of the official site.
I love it!!! I thought this site had that last year, didn't it? 
Its so sweet, guys! You have to check it out. The countdown to the very last second cracks me up! I've been going to the park for fifteen years, and they always seem to improve the quality of the place, and here's just another example!


Birthday Wish...
B/M Flyer For 2004...
B/M Flyer For 2004....

A link anyone???
Wicked Twister Rocks
zerocool: You need a link to the official CP site?
"I thought you were black"
For the impaired..;) :

Woah this is great. Was planning on creating one myself...

Drink Milk. Goto Cedar point. Love Life.
MF count: 24

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
I think something screwed up when that storm blew through, it says 123 days, and it's only 91.  Even before the storm their counter was off by 1 day.
-Chris Woodard
"Mean Streak would be better if they replaced the square wheels with round ones."
Ralph, the counter was fine before the storm. There are 92 days left, not 91... And I really don't think it was a storm that messed it up. 123 days is June 5, so someone must have change May to June(in the counting script) by accident.


*** This post was edited by Andrew on 2/2/2002. ***

I also do agree with the countdown at CP being off by one day. My computer has a countdown screensaver and it's set for 10:00am May 5, 2002. Currently it states as of 4:50pm Feb 4, 2002: 89 days, 17 hours, 10 minutes, xx seconds, xx milliseconds.
My computer and webserver both say 90 days left, but that does not count-down hours on it. Perhaps, Cedar Point's counter gets messed up with the hours(which I think is true because sometimes it says 26 hours). When I count them out by hand(not counting today and counting May 5) we have 90 days to go. Again I belive where gets messed up with the hours.

- Andrew Hyde(Who thinks the offseason is getting to him...)

*** This post was edited by Andrew on 2/4/2002. ***

glad someone has put up a countdown

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