Disaster Transport Changes

So has anyone heard about or seen any changes for DT this year? I know there is talk on the CP website about 3d effects, but has anyone been updated on what we are really in for?
Ralph Wiggum's avatar
I don't think any one here will know until May 5. I just hope it gets some much needed sprucing up.

-Chris Woodard
"Mean Streak would be better if they replaced the square wheels with round ones."
VertiGo: VertiGone but not forgotten.

I don't care if they add more effects or whatever, I just hope they take down that god awful metal wall they have in there.

Brent Haley
Gemini Crew '02

What God awful metal wall? The one in the second room?

You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.

Yes, that metal wall in there is really not the best thing for the theming of the ride, but I doubt it will be taken down because they store all the HalloWeekends props in there. What I would like to see is if they actually enclosed that section of the queue so that you couldn't see over the top. Then they could add some nice lighting effect with black lights and flourescent paint.
Ahh yeah that would be cool. I wonder if that's what they're doing since we can get 3D glasses now :)

Brent Haley
Gemini Crew '02

OHH I Can't till Sunday, it's gonna be awsome!!!!

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