no earings?

JuggaLotus's avatar

But if the skating rink says skate at your own risk, and you blow out 2 knee ligaments when you fall to the ground, have fun finding them liable.

Besides, it would also have to be shown that they had prior knowledge of the instability of the roof and that the building was unsuitable for use prior to the collapse. Otherwise, they're still probably off the hook.

Goodbye MrScott


Exactly whats the big deal having earrings on while riding Maverick?..they allow it for corkscrew..well at least its been changed to optional now.

Total Maverick rides for the 2007 season = 27

Top 5--- 1. Maverick- 2. Millennium 3. Magnum 4. TTD 5. Gemini

Cavs- 2007 Eastern Conference Champions!.-

Jeff da Beat's avatar

Jeff said it a little while doesn't seem like a big deal considering it is just like wearing earrings on Raptor, Mantis, or Corkscrew. When I ride those, I just keep my head back and I've got no problems.

And I have 4 8 GA hoops... unless one level up is extremely different, I can still put them in with my hands.

Chase McCants

JuggaLotus said:

Besides, it would also have to be shown that they had prior knowledge of the instability of the roof and that the building was unsuitable for use prior to the collapse. Otherwise, they're still probably off the hook.

Nah, you'd just have to prove that they should have known. You're negligent even if you hit someone because you didn't know brakes wern't working. It's your responsiblity to make sure your car (and your roller rink) is in a safe condition. Knowing the roof is dangerous and staying open for business could probably be spun up to criminal negligence.

I didn't take my earrings out. In the morning my head didnt bang at all bc i could see what was coming but at night it banged a few times. It didn't hurt my ears (that an earring would affect) though.

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