Ocean Motion .. Times up

It seems to me that with the addition of maXair and Skyhawk, this ride is now somewhat obsolete, if not totally. That area of the park would look great with a new state of the art attraction.

I was super before Superstew was cool! Get Some!!

Chuck Wagon's avatar

I dunno, with the aquatic stadium right there next to it, and the beachfront gate on the other, Ocean Motion isn't exactly on prime real estate.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

I don't know about others, but this year I have only ridden the ride about twice compared to other years when I would ride pretty much everytime I visited.

This year the ride seems very short compared to the past and doesn't go as high as it used to. Anyone else notice this? In the past, it was very easy to "lift" yourself from the seat and feel the airtime when at maxium hight, now you just sit there.

Trip Count 2003: 13 2004: 24 2005: 22 2006: 25 2007: 25

I think I've actually ridden it more this year than in the past. I think it's situated nicely with the trees.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
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Ocean Motion, if moved, would do well in Frontier Town, the Trail, or even Camp Snoopy. It's spot along the boardwalk would be great for another spectacular flat. I can think of a few that don't require a large footprint.

I'm the oldest one here. CP emp '73-'74

I'm sure they could rework that area to accomondate anything they want to put there .. Use the beachfront if you have too. The area will only be as good as they decide to make it.

I was super before Superstew was cool! Get Some!!

I think it's good to have a swinging ship ride at CP. We have to remember that just because they don't cater to maximum thrill-seekers, they are still good family-style attractions. I agree that it needs to be moved, though. The site is terrible, almost impossible to find. Relocating Wave Swinger and putting a more noticeable attraction in there would be a strong move. A new attraction would draw more people to that corner of the park (towards the dive stadium, Chaos, Peanuts Playground)...it always seems relatively dead over there, even with the WT/maXair revitalization of that part of the park.

Yeah, the last thing we need to do is get rid of any more family attractions...

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
www.pointpixels.com | www.parkpixels.com

I don't think that area of the park is dead, but it really gives that image. I think thats mostly because of the high and wide facades that pretty much box in that midway. The dive stadium, the rear of the Coliseum, Disaster Transport, Giant Wheel, Macaroni's and the Coral Dining Room. Chaos and Ocean Motion are tucked away in the corners, almost blending in with their surroundings.

It's really a quiet area that has alot of potential to become alive. I think if they tear down that dreary, rather ugly building that is Disaster Transport (not the coaster, just the building), and move Ocean Motion and put a larger, exciting flat in its place, it could could bring some life into that midway.

Hail to the Victors

I love swinging ships. They're in all likeliness my favorite non-coaster rides. Still, Ocean Motion proves time and time again to be the most boring and draggy swinging ship I've ever riden.

I still ride it though, short line, right next to our entrance, and my friend never remembers that he didn't like it the last year we went. ;)

Summer was made for a Cedar Point day~

I wish people would stop saying anything that swings back and forth is the same ride. Ocean Motion provides a ride experience totally different than maXair AND Skyhawk. If you think they're the same, you either haven't ridden them all, or you're messed up in the head. :)

I hope they revitalize that corner of the park too, though. But, I like the massive trees. I'm sad that CP has taken out SO MANY trees over the past twenty or so years.

If it's not a maintenance headache or getting in the way of future projects and enough people are still riding it, I'm sure it won't be leaving anytime soon.

Hard to imagine though, that all 3 of those things are in OM's favor.

I was super before Superstew was cool! Get Some!!

Where else can you see a woman's bare breasts at Cedar Point?

Seriously, unless a major plan was concieved for the area, I think Ocean Motion will stay right where it is. It's still a fairly popular family attraction, and I usually ride it several times on every visit, since it's usually the last ride we pass when heading back to Breakers for a... break.

The only thing I don't like about it is the smell of burning rubber I notice as the ride slows down...

Gilbert, Vegan Rider

e x i t english's avatar

^ Wherever I want to. :)

Seriously, though, I like Ocean Motion. I really like swinging ships.
Of course, I wouldn't have a problem with them removing it in favor of a seaside "carnival" over there with a couple of close-together flats in Coney Island fashion.

Ocean Motion has always puzzled me, more so in recent years now that I have kids. It is one of the smallest swinging ships out there with one of the lowest capacities and it has a height restriction of 39". My kids are 45" and 36" respectively and they are able to ride the ships at Knoebels and Waldameer, which give better rides in my opinion, and the one at Waldameer is larger. We have ridden Ocean Motion once each time we have visited the last two years because my 6 year old wanted to since she remembers how great the Waldameer one is and another one in Rehobeth Beach, DE, but she has been disappointed both times since she didn't get any "airtime" on it. :)


I love Ocean Motion. They should leave it exactly where it is. The only thing I would suggest is bump the ride time back up where it used to be.

As to that area being relatively dead, what's wrong with having a quiet (er) area in an amusement park? Cedar Point is fast running out of them.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

TAER IT DOWN!!!!11111

Seriously, how much space are you going to free up when removing the Ocean Motion? Is that where the 500 ft LIM launched stand up, inverted, wooden, spinning, flying, backwards roller coaster is going to fit?

How about with the addition of Maverick, can we just shaddup and enjoy the park for what it is?

~Rob Willi

The only thing Ocean Motion has going for it is it's landscaping. Heck, Cedar Point would be known for it's landscaping if every ride there had landscaping like Ocean Motion!

I love ocean motion I wanted it cedar point keep.

please lock these topic please?

Ensign Smith said:
I love Ocean Motion. They should leave it exactly where it is. The only thing I would suggest is bump the ride time back up where it used to be.

As to that area being relatively dead, what's wrong with having a quiet (er) area in an amusement park? Cedar Point is fast running out of them.

I dunno. I rode Ocean Motion once and it was absolutely boring compared with other swinging ships. I like Viking Fury at Kings Island, but Ocean Motion is too small and boring to boot.

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