Oddball topic

loneranger7281's avatar

Has any of the coasters ever been hit by lightining and closed for a week or longer. I have never even heard of any being stuck. I figured that TTD would be one of the first but i dont know.

At the bottom of the lift hill for Millennium Force, there is a little counter that keeps track of the number of times it's hit by lightning. I saw this in 2006 and it said "000002". I'm not sure if they reset this every year or if that's a lifetime number, but it would appear to have been hit at least twice.

loneranger7281's avatar

thats interesting i didnt know they had something to count it. The reason i ask is i have never seen anyone talk about it.

bholcomb's avatar

Mean Streak was hit in 2004 and it knocked all of the control equipment out. I don't recall how long it was down for.

I've seen Power Tower struck by lightning before.

Dvo's avatar

I'm totally running a wire from the needle on Power Tower to the ground. Then all I need is a Delorean and a Flux Capacitor.

1.21 Gigawatts!

380 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

JuggaLotus's avatar

And enough space on the midway to hit 88mph before you hit the cable.

That's the tough part.

Goodbye MrScott


Dvo's avatar

Better idea... Run the cable over dragster's launch section.
Time Travelling in style!

380 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

JuggaLotus's avatar

Yeah, until it spreads pieces of shredded cable through time causing random piercings and altering the fabric in time resulting in this reality never existing unless we go back and prevent you from using dragster as a time travel device.

Goodbye MrScott


Dvo's avatar

haha fine. I won't travel through time on Dragster. But for the record, if I did, I'd be able to tell everyone what is in store for the park years down the road.

2027: Disaster Transport now sells 4-D glasses so that you can see terrible theming and darkness in a whole new way!

380 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

"You built a time machine . . . out of an Intamin?"

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Haha, I love how this topic went from lightning to altering the fabric of time!

I had to laugh a little at this.. it seems like a thread that would have happened in the off season when people start getting bored.. hilarious!

Dvo's avatar

I don't know what humor you all are talking about... Time-travelling Intamins are a hobby of mine.

380 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

JuggaLotus said:
And enough space on the midway to hit 88mph before you hit the cable.

That's the tough part.

You're just not thinking 4th-dimensionally, John! The midway and the entire park will be expanded into the empty "Erie Basin" in the year 2037, thus ensuring a safe path for your time-travel vehicle.

(Sorry. :))

JuggaLotus's avatar

Maybe in the future, but he has to hit 88mph NOW in order to trigger the flux capacitor into travel. So while what is at the park may not exist in the future, it certainly does exist today and would be in the way.

Goodbye MrScott


Dvo said:
Better idea... Run the cable over dragster's launch section.
Time Travelling in style!

HAHA!!! One of the coolest things i've read in a while!!!

...Then again, the whole lightning thing would be unnecessary if you'd just brought GAS.

...*snap* Got it! The new 2008 ride is Universal Orlando's Back to the Future!

Dvo's avatar

Everyone knows that you can't achieve 1.21 Gigawatts with gas... I'd have to steal some plutonium from Lybian terrorists. Besides, Lightning is way more fun ;)

380 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

TTD was struck by lightning the night before media day, and opened late that day. Friends who got to go had a long wait!

Wild Thing at Valleyfair was hit by lightning late on a Friday night in 1998, and reopened the following afternoon.


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