Single Rider Bob video?

Pete's avatar

I've seen rude behavior from Single Rider Bob enough times to know that it is not an isolated event, it's a habit.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

+1 for Pete. I used to be in that crowd but I have been shunned. It has been the best thing that has happened to me and my family.

2011 - Millennium Force Photo/ everywhere
2012 - Millennium Force Photo TL
2013 - Gatekeeper Photo TL

Jeff, I had the best time at BooBuzz last year, the people were awesome and the food was great.

2011 - Millennium Force Photo/ everywhere
2012 - Millennium Force Photo TL
2013 - Gatekeeper Photo TL

Jeff's avatar

MagnumFan said:
Jeff you have a lot bottled up hate for SRB. To say that he can't attend Boobuzz seems a little petty and childish IMO.

Don't put words in my mouth. I don't hate anyone. I do, however, care very much about the reputation of our events, as they have historically been free people behaving like morons. This asshole pushed passed my wife on the MF platform last year, and I don't want him back. That's not the kind of behavior I want associated with our events.

And by the way, call me names again, and you're done here. I don't need that crap.

Pete said:
I've seen rude behavior from Single Rider Bob enough times to know that it is not an isolated event, it's a habit.

Exactly my point. Teenagers on average have better behavior.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

The dude nearly ran a friend of mine off the road on Rt. 2 last year heading towards the park. So I guess he starts shoving people out of his way before he even gets there.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

^Speaking of shoving people out of the way, I saw the man with the "Single Rider Number 2" shirt at Best Buy in Sandusky on Saturday, and he was shoving his way through aisles, then ran out of the store. Odd man, he was...

Point Place: The New Unofficial Cedar Point Blog

TTD 120mph's avatar

It's obvious why he was there. He needed some more Duracell batteries so he can keep going and going and going and going.......

And someone who talked to him ::shiver:: said he told them he wants to move out to other parks and take a break from CP. So look out people, he may be coming to an amusement park near you. ;)

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I was in line behind SRB this past weekend at TTD. I was shocked at how obsessive he was since most of the 'regulars' I have come across in the past have been calm and polite. Bob rushed into the station counted those in line for the front row and then interrupted a groups conversation three times demanding they confirm one individual was a single rider. The urgency and desperation he had was like he was looking for an epi-pen for a bee sting victim who is deathly allergic. He was actually visibly shaking thru all of this. Once he secured his place on the third train of a 12 train or so line he calmed down, stopped shaking and enjoyed the celebrity treatment of two teenaged girls. It was sad to say the least.

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Morale of the story: if you're a single rider waiting in a long line for the front row and SRB comes up to you, neither confirm nor deny you're alone...and please post his reaction to Youtube. :)

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