Theories (other than the obvious)

This is track for Geauga Lake or Michigan. Possibly a launch coaster similar to Superman. Why would they bring in track so early to let it sit there? Doesn't make sense. This is a marketing plan designed to throw everybody off.

Why would they waste time and mony on something like that? Use your brain.




Nope it's fo CP.
*** Edited 5/17/2006 1:13:17 PM UTC by CP4eva'04***

101 on Magnum and counting...

djDaemon's avatar


How many of these are you going to start?

I'm sorry, but its ridiculous to think that this track is not for CP, or that its not an Intamin or that its a flippin' marketing plan. This has been mentioned over and over, and you guys just aren't listening!

*** Edited 5/17/2006 1:16:54 PM UTC by djDaemon***


Jeff's avatar

Let's stick to the obvious.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

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