TTD Crew Report Card


I was there Weds. Night (the 13th) and we got in line for Dragster at around 8:30 pm. We waited for the front seat. There was 7 trains of people in front of us when Dragster went down. They said they were unsure how long the wait would be.

A few people left the station so we gradually made our way to the front of the front seat line when they announced it would be down and they are expecting a lengthy delay...I saw a manlift downtrack working on what appeared to be the brake run...So we waited...we figured not much else to do at that point.

About 10:30 one of the employees (Maint.? He had a blue shirt on) Informed us that the ride would mot be reopening tonight...but the good part is we got an escort through the park and over to Millennium Force :) So that was pretty awesome..

But I must say when it was running it was running very fast and very efficient. By the way what happened to it on Weds.? It was down for a block reset, it came up for one ride...and then shut down again.


Ride On!

08- Arcade Mechanic

TT2 laps - 4

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