Wicked Twister VIP Ride Information

Gemini's avatar
American Red Cross, Firelands Chapter, WCPZ Mix 102.7 FM, and WMJK Majic 100.9, announce the availability of VIP rides on Wicked Twister.


Virtual Midway

are these people who pay big bucks for this thing actually going to be the first of the public to ride?? Or will the AAA people get to go first again?

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
MF 9
S:UE 8

Probably the Intamin engineers will go first, possibly followed by the construction team, the Ohio Department of Agriculture, employee's, media, the basket people, Dick Kinzel's dog, the lemon chill guy, then the VIP's.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 4/2/2002. ***

Notice it says "Be among the first to ride."

They have never said "You're gonna be the first" Alot of peopel ride the rides before the general public.. hehehehe

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82 Farewell my good friend..

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Who ever said there was gonna be a AAA day again too?

Fear the Mullet!

Kinzels dog will be the first to ride, right next to a monkey from the Toledo Zoo. How else would they test this stuff?

Steve Sergent
MF count: 162

I've personally always thought it would be pretty funny to take a pretty angry gorilla (tranquilize it first), and put it on a coaster. Then when it wakes up it starts going nuts when the train starts to move up the hill--or in this case, launched. LoL.

Ya I think I'll just pay the $42 or whatever it is now and ride it when everyone else and not pay 100's of dollars to ride it then!

Edit: sorry I didn't read it before i posted it! :)

Go to: http://www.thepointOL.com/~simplycp
Once you drop, the fun don't stop!

*** This post was edited by CP rules on 4/15/2002. ***

Whoever said that there won't be a AAA day Jeff?

Jeff's avatar

Seeing as how the park is open to the public the day after the Longaberger day, I think it's safe to assume there will not be one. The AAA thing was a make-good to compensate for a cancelled buy-out. I doubt we'll see one again any time soon.

Webmaster/GTTP, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

CP says: On May 5, 2002, ONLY 32 riders will be among the first to ride the world's tallest and fastest "double-twisting" impulse roller coaster.

Does this mean it is NOT going to be open for the general public on opening day?

"Life is like a roller coaster;enjoy it."

That means 32 people will pay for an auctioned seat to them to be on the very first train of the rides very first season. As soon as that ride is over the ride will be open to the public.

- Chris -

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
Presumeably, after those people get their ride, it will open to Joe Cool Club, and then the general public.

-Chris Woodard
"Mean Streak would be better if they replaced the square wheels with round ones."
VertiGo: VertiGone but not forgotten.

Thanks for the info.

18days, 20 hours, 36 minutes, and 40 seconds!

I can't wait!

"Life is like a roller coaster;enjoy it."

Now it up too 64 riders

Go to: http://www.thepointOL.com/~simplycp
Once you drop, the fun don't stop!

Being heavily advertised in Indy today......

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