Planning Commission approves Cedar Point's final water park plan

Saturday, 13 September 2003

On Friday, the Sandusky Planning Commission approved Cedar Point's final plan for the Radisson indoor water park as well as the park's traffic solution, the Sandusky Register reported.

The city is attempting to use a state variance to install a left turn lane on eastbound Cleveland Road through a state variance, according to City Planner Angie Byington.

The city may also look to limit the entrance closest to Cedar Point Road, one of the hotel's three Cleveland Road entrances, to right-turn only, Byington said.

Rob Decker, Cedar Fair, L.P. Corporate Vice President of Planning & Design, told the commission that Cedar Point would prefer waiting until 2005 to see if traffic is heavier.

The park doesn't expect traffic to exceed what it does during Cedar Point's summer season, Decker said. A traffic study conducted in July indicated an average of 9,000 vehicles travel on Cleveland Road each day.

One addition to the project, a 20-foot by 20-foot outdoor spa, was also approved by the Planning Commission. It will be the only part of the project that will be outdoors.

Cedar Point's water park project will now go to the Sandusky City Commission on October 27 for approval. Decker said water park construction will begin immediately after commission's meeting.