Steel Vengeance

Considering that the Valravn trains were on-site for WCO in 2016, there's a high probability that the SV trains will be on-site for 2018.

CoasterCam's avatar

TTD 120mph said:
So it makes sense that testing has begun for Wicked Timbers.

Which park is this new surprise RMC at? (;

2018- Raptor

CP Top 5- 1)MF 2) Maverick 3) Gatekeeper 4) Top Thrill Dragster 5) Raptor

TTD 120mph's avatar

Sorry, I meant Twisted Firehawk.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

CoasterCam said:

TTD 120mph said:
So it makes sense that testing has begun for Wicked Timbers.

Which park is this new surprise RMC at? (;

Leaked for 2020; RMC will reimagine Wicked Twister with Topper Track... Wicked Timbers!


At this point, I'm most excited to see what the area around the coaster looks like / is themed to. The GateKeeper and Valravn plazas are nice.

Last edited by Renegade,
Sollybeast's avatar

Seconded here. GK Plaza is one of the prettiest areas in the park, IMHO. It's breezy, there's a lake view, and, of course, it hosts what I think is the nicest looking coaster in the park. I love the color, and the gryphon trains are magnificent...

Oooops, gushing about the wrong coaster. I'll see myself out. XD

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

Was hoping for some information on the look of the area. Any news from Winter Chill Out?

TTD 120mph's avatar

Not too much beyond basic cosmetic improvements and making the area look nice. Adam Pooch mentioned the queue will "wrap around" the existing haunt building and the station is getting some basic cosmetic work done to make it fit in with the rest of the area. Nothing too extreme though. It's crazy how much updating the park is doing with Frontier Town. It's going to look completely fresh and new come May.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Skyhawk06's avatar

Did they actually have any trains for the ride so people could sit in them like Valravn or Rougarou? I really hope someone uploads winter chill out on youtube, because I missed the event.

Steel Vengeance rides: 211

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

TTD 120mph's avatar

The trains were not on site. My guess is that they're either still being built (being nearly done) or they just haven't sent them out yet.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

CoasterKyle1121's avatar

Testing has started! See gif on CPs Twitter page!

1999: First visit
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Ride Operations- Professor Delbert’s Frontier Fling

TTD 120mph's avatar

Well color me surprised! Though, considering the date of the charity event and Hoedown, it makes sense to start testing now. I guesss the temps aren't as big a deterrent as I was initially thinking. Or they're in acceptable levels.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

JCoaster25's avatar

What a nice surprise for today!

The gif does look a tad sped up but wow! Can't wait to see more!

Cargo Shorts's avatar

I won’t be Whole until they post a Whole POV. :P

operative_me's avatar

Link to the Tweet:

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0

Welp, guess it's time to put up a live cam 24/7 to try and snag a test run!

RMC streak or bust!

Skyhawk06's avatar

The testing bit was such a nice suprise after the s*itty day I've been having. Honestly makes sense they're testing now because Ohio's weather is all, "let's roll the dice and see what happens! *rolls dice* Sunny with a chance of hail!" And let's not forget about the two events going on...

Last edited by Skyhawk06,

Steel Vengeance rides: 211

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

Frog Hopper King's avatar

Im not sure if anyone has posted this yet. However, the photo album for SV was updated with pictures of the plaza and line.

you can check them out here.

Over all i think that the new plaza/crossing/sign/line looks awesome!

I can't wait to see how it will look in a month when its finished.

Excitement rising!

argues just for clicks

ImpulsivePhoenix's avatar

I'm quite interested to see how the queue design ends up for Steel Vengeance. I barely remember Mean Streak's and I never had to wait in it's queue. Should be quite interesting being under the actual track.

Sacrificing playing video games to ride roller coasters.

Dvo's avatar

I can't remember if they've said whether the building that housed Eden Musee will be staying, but most of Mean Streak's queue line was in that area some years ago. I'm guessing they'll do the same thing and keep the queue in the infield, regardless of whether the building stays or goes.

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