Application was reviewed but still no email/call

1) Hey guys my application was reviewed by craig manner on 3/10/14 for security and I still haven't heard anything back should I email the manager or wait it out?

2) How long you guys had to wait after your application was reviewed to receive an email or a call?

3) Anyone working security at cp this summer? :)

Thank you

Morté615's avatar

Sometimes they call you right away, others they take a week or more. After about a week you can send an e-mail to the manager asking if they would like to setup an interview.

Morté aka Matt, Ego sum nex
Dragon's Fire Design:

Abounded said:
1) Hey guys my application was reviewed by craig manner on 3/10/14 for security and I still haven't heard anything back should I email the manager or wait it out?

2) How long you guys had to wait after your application was reviewed to receive an email or a call?

3) Anyone working security at cp this summer? :)

Thank you

Same with mine. They reviewed it 2 days after i applied and still nothing. I also filled out a job app for security!(:

Yeah I heard they were all backed up and everything and a lot of people including some returnees were not yet called back either. I also heard that more people will be hired around opening time so just cross your fingers and hope for the best. I know I am:)


There are many people in the same predicament. All I keep hearing people say is call and speak with human resources. I've spoken with someone and they had a really bad attitude. So I didn't find out anything. All I'm going to do is just hope for the best and I hope you guys the best as well because I know how it is. I haven't had a call back yet


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