8/24 to 8/28 breakers / 5 days 4 nights

5 Days total four nights.....What a time.

Left at 2:30 A.M. I stayed up all night anxiously waiting, my girlfriend trying to sleep. Arrived at Breakers at 8:20 A.M and our single king room was ready. We get everything in the room, and around 9:00 A.M we're ready to roll....
Friday had the best wait times of any day...Raptor, Magnum, MaxAir, Wicked Twisted, Skyhawk we're some rides to name a few with walk-on's. Top Thrill Dragster was 30 minutes, 40 minutes for Maverick, and 40 for MF.
No sky ride running though.........the weather was so warm I felt that kept people away from the park. Heat exhaustion was more then possible on that day. With an observed temperature of 90 degrees on Weather.com and 70% or higher humidity...this day was hell on earth.

Saturday it cooled down.......
We rode the Maverick again, and again...the MF again and again.
We never rode the Raptor again after Friday because the waits did not justify the ride, the spiders we came to notice were ever so present in our life by now as my girlfriend almost walked in to one hanging from a light by snake river falls (the size of a half dollar guys....). Tie between Saturday and Tuesday for busiest days of the park. The 73-75 degree weather made for a empty looking soak city. The maverick queue being fully utilized and even out of the entrance during Saturday.

Sunday.....I didn't want to go home...no checking out monday...so I book another night in a bon air room. Our first room was right off the rotunda and looked right out over the pool..no mini-fridge but the room was more then awesome in its lake-view / pool view.
Sunday it heated back up........ride waits were a little better but barely better. I Noticed the Sky Ride running today with no one on it. Top Thrill Dragster was down over the weekend from time to time as well as the Millennium Force. We wasted probably over the 4 days a good 3+ hours of "the millennium force is down" ride wait time. It did rain .09 inches, but you have no idea how much of an effect those .09 inches had. It came in 2 different times of drizzle. We noticed lots of coaster down time, and even went to the mall that day to buy a pair of shoes for the lady, and socks for me. As I forgot socks, and she had no comfortable shoes. This contributed to the down time on the Millennium Force.

Monday...we moved to the new room in the 10 story tower. This room had a window air-conditioner that was weaker then our last rooms. The bathroom was actually nicer, and larger. But the room lacked a desk. Oh well. We get in to the park, and the day was good. Third floor, closer to the park so this was now a plus as the long walk in through the 2 doors open 24 hours a day was getting old.

Tuesday was a fun day, and our Maverick ride count went over 20 times for the season now. "Another day" is all I can say. But one notable thing. The Maverick line shut down just as we we're walking off the ride from our last ride, and we ran to get back in line, and did cut in with a group of other people. Like that justifies what we did. So the guard didn't care, but someone called security. I didn't care really all in all, because I was like oh well, we did do something wrong. I was like aww are you sure you can't just let us ride anyways....5 days here we're looking to try and ride one more time. They were cool cops, but out of around a dozen and a half people asked to leave the line. My girlfriend and this other group of teenagers we're "hassled". What do I mean when I say hassled? Well 4-5 young young girls just ran out of the line through the rear. Maybe just afraid when they turned around and saw security asking them to leave. But nothing happened to them. Now ourselves....we HAPPENED to have my wallet on us, which subsequently carries all my identification. But this cedar point police officer wanted social security number, drivers license number, phone number, address, and a full report. I felt singled out. I expressed my concern of this with the officer, and he threatened to charge me with criminal trespassing if I asked about it again. (The cop walked up and said originally hi we were called about a group of guys in red (the group in front of us questioned), girls in pink tank tops (3 of the 4 girls behind us had on pink tank tops who we're probably all of 9-12), and us. So I asked well why do the girls get to walk right away officer, this is kind of embarrassing way to end the trip...we would of preferred to of just left. It was kind of enraging when through the 5 days I had seen endless smoking in lines....and this problem with parents yelling a name out and just saying excuse me, excuse me...and walking up with like 3 people following behind them. So the thoughts of saying...well where we're you when I told the ride op about the people in front of us cutting (right in front of us...so we knew they cut). Etc etc
Big deal. I felt singled out.......I had alcohol on my breath though and I could be easily mistaken as a minor so maybe he was out checking to see if I was of age. We just had to sit and go through the whole 9 yards with him answering questions. He could of just glanced at the ID to confirm age. His response to the girls being let go was "they are like 10 man what do you want me to do?"....in which I responded the same thing your doing to us. The reason I felt they could do what they did to us is because we were some young fresh 21 year old's who complaints and angry voices wouldn't hold weight in park operations office. Meanwhile some parents might of had more leverage. The group in front of us admitted to taking the chain down. We knew the ride was closed though because we had seen people as we were getting off rejected. After riding the maverick more then 20 times this year...we have even met employees of the park who cut in to the line (maybe perks of being an employee) after the line is closed. So maybe we had just seen it happen so much we felt like...oh they don't even care...the ride op's just see people and go "oh well another train". We learned our lesson though. I can imagine being in them police uniforms for the amount of hours they are also puts them at stress. Imagine walking the wickedly long park in the scorching heat wearing black. I wouldn't be nice either. I don't think any of this is acceptable, but I think every major ride should also have a ride operator able to watch / walk the line for smokers / people cutting. There would be no confusion then.

We stayed in rooms 3106 the first 3 nights, and 3131 the last night. The whole hotel was warm, stale, lacking air conditioning, and air movement. Yes the hotel had no air conditioning. The bon-air section was cooler in general, but the rotunda / sections off the rotunda were horribly warm. The weather predicted a rainy weekend, but it had turned in to a wickedly hot weekend.
We found in room 3106 a yellow pill that I went on the internet and identified...turns up this candy looking pill found under the bed was an anti-psychotic drug for bipolar people.

Next to the bed we also found the end of a marijuana blunt...this was right off the rotunda in a non-smoking room also. Funny enough we never seen anyone smoking pot.

I asked my girlfriend for what she would say that upset her the most this trip and she responded "people cutting in line, and crowding". We had seen someone get to cut the line nearly every major ride who was just running through with drinks or like they were somewhere else with the other half of the family. Also she notes that people in line are entirely too anxious to move forward / crowd you in an already hot area where you feel too many people are breathing close to each other. We're talking close enough so that if I leaned my head back I could rest on there shoulders. Also this group of religious fanatics were in front of us on one of our last rides on the maverick, and they asked my religion and I simply replied oh I don't believe in any higher power I believe the earth is around 6 billions years old probably. Which I now learned is very bad to say around christians as we we're then on a one hour long questionnaire about our beliefs and how we justify them. Getting answers like Noah traveled through all of Africa and gathered 2 of every animal and food for them all, including insects, made them live in harmony for 40 days and nights. Which is gross assumption that the flood was world wide, and not just of that area. But I didn't even bring that up.

The line is best served with an ipod / newspaper / game of some sort. Something to distract you from other people. 9/10th of the people in line are great to talk with and you meet people of all sorts which is rad. I just remember that maverick line that would never end.

We ate at TGI Fridays once...had a cold appetizer, cold dinners. The bartender was new, my girlfriend ordered a espresso martini which looked like muddy water that was extremely strong, she replied "i don't see that as a problem". My girlfriend gets sick easy off alcohol...I was served a warm Heineken. No condensation even forming. The TGI Fridays was also pretty warm (it hit 90 that day)....so we wanted a really nice place to cool off.
That night we ate at Applebees and the waitress wanted to get off work really bad it seemed...didn't check up on us as she did her closing wrapping silverware.
Famous Daves closes at 9...and we weren't always out of the park at 9 even if it closed at 8. Well we were out one night before 9...ordered to-go to eat it outside by the pool. I tried a french fry on the ride back to the hotel and the food wasn't that warm. It would of been better to try and get a seat there at 9 because it was packed like crazy and we think they would of tried to of stayed open later.

The 10 A.M to 8 PM hours of the park worked against CP I think as the weather was perfect. The temperatures made people enjoy the night time a lot more as it began the plunge towards sub 70 degree lows.

We just happened to notice we didn't get the best food service during this trip. We also noticed how many spiders the park has.

Everyday we also noticed more and more things closing down as the employees were getting to be less and less. Our luggage people said they have 4 employees now to do a job that 16 used to do. We noticed food carts missing, and more places with windows shut.

The first time ever we seen the blacksmith shop open one of the days. *** Edited 8/29/2007 10:09:13 PM UTC by factory81***

JW Addington's avatar

The best A/C's are in the Tower section and breakers east. I had a bad experience with the king room A/C's last year and vowed to never stay there again and i will not even think of staying in the Bon Air section. I always pull the air filters out of them when i get in the room, the difference is night and day, then i put them back in when i leave. They are extremely clogged and dirty, no wonder why they don't work very well!

When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835

Yeah, it was hotter than hell on that Friday. I was at the park from Thursday to Saturday and went to GL on Friday (it wasn't any cooler in Cleveland either). Factory81, I think I met you on Skyhawk on Saturday morning and we talked about seeing Dick Kenzel on the main midway in the park that morning. Nice to hear you had an OK trip except for the hassling by the cops.

Yeah we had a great trip. I met you on the skyhawk, and I did get to meet Dick K.

The cops just did there job. What are ya going to do to young kids ya know? I know I didn't carry I.D. on me when I was young, or have a memorized social security number.
I was waiting for them to radio in and make sure I had no warrants out and stuff haha. Like oh gosh what next...

We are looking forward to what 2008 has to offer. We want to check out some more amusement parks.

XxMantisxX's avatar

Agreed,this was a great trip.I also was there from friday-monday.Met factory81 a couple times even though we didnt get to hang out.My group was big enough to try and keep everyone happy.Ride this eat there,blah blah..... they just needed to stay longer than 1-2 days with a large group,what did they expect? anyhow next year same time but probably a couple more days(6) or so.I did get a roll back on maverick though.It seems somebody had something in there hands and they stopped the ride(causing my roll back).It's not my fault I was just changing my phone to a different pocket!!!! and glad I did because what was in that old pocket fell out!!! still feel sorry to all riders behind me and in my train but,I felt special,,,haha.Ohwell,I understand the precautions.Even though I was done before the top of hill.Regardless ,Sorry.haha

Stayed in bonair section 3 nights.COLD a/c.Just your basic room,as only used for sleeping,playing cards and drinking.

Went to bob evans a couple times,Bad waiter.Also went to applebees.They did seem like they wanted to go even though I was there a couple mins. before you.

all in all good times,many of rides on TTD,Mav,MF,Rap,Max,Sky,Mag,even iron dragon and mineride,Only one I didnt ride that I wanted to was Gemini.The other part of my group decided to go when we all split up.Ohwell, next year.

Let me know if you all want to meet up again,well.

So what happened to the end of the blunt????

TTD - 1 rollback(Finally)
Rides on Shenanigan - 0

We never rode mine ride, gemini, blue streak, mean streak. Mantis only once...

You would think 5 days.....

We got in 2 Maverick / 2 MF rides a day at least......that was the goal.

Mantis got to see me practicing my public alcoholism. Taking pictures for proof even.

*** Edited 8/30/2007 4:12:55 AM UTC by factory81***

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