
CP&LE RR #3, "Albert", Davenport Locomotive Works 2-6-0, 1917, built as St. John Plantation (Louisiana) "Albert". Taken August 14, 1982 at Main Station. Since retired to display on the Frontier Trail. Copyright 2005, Paul W. Woodring
CP&LE RR Maude L., #1, Baldwin Locomotive Works, 2-4-4T, (originally an 0-4-4T) built in 1902, at Main Station, Septemeber 1978.  Since traded to Disneyland for their Ward Kimball in the late '90's.  Copyright 2005, Paul W. Woodring.
CP&LE #2 Jenny K., 2-4-0, built by H. K. Porter Co., taken June, 1978 on engine lead at shop.  Currently stored unserviceable.  Copyright 2005, Paul W. Woodring.
Engineer's side view of CP&LE RR #3, 'Albert', sitting outside engine house, sans tender in June '92.  Copyright 2005, Paul W. Woodring.
View of inside of engine house in the Summer of '94.  To the left are Maude L. in front and a barely visible Albert.  To the right, #5, still 'Jack Foster', was in the shop for a minor repair.  Copyright 2005, Paul W. Woodring
CP&LE RR #44, 'Judy K', formerly #22, (Vulcan, 1922) with no name, now named for Dick Kinzel's wife, at Main Station, Summer '96.  Both #5 and #44 were extensively rebuilt in the mid-'90's by Shop Services, of Iowa.   Copyright 2005, Paul W. Woodring.
June '92 finds Maude L. being readied for operation on the second train, having been pulled out of the house by the railroad's gas-hydraulic Plymouth switcher, #7.  Copyright 2005, Paul W. Woodring
Former CP&LE Superintendent, Myron "Mike" Hetrick in front of #5 'Jack Foster', June '78.  Jack was the first Supt. and #5 was one of the last projects he worked on.  After Mike retired the engine was renamed for him - 'Myron H.' and renumbered to #44.